how to make 4x4x4 led cube using arduino

To make 4x4x4 led cube using arduino you need arduino uno or arduino nano 3.0

parts list -

Arduino uno or nano
Resistor 100 ohom x4
vero board ( doted or line )

header male   L shaped


& LED 64 piece defuse led any colour

Total making process  described in this video

Connection to arduino-

Download Arduino code


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Thank you so much for your video, diagram and supply list. I Teach IT and am going to have my students make 3D LED Cubes for an end of the year project... your instructions I think will be a great help! Thank you!

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. This should probably have used transistors and resistors on the 4 layers. As is mine works but A5 line is a bit dim

    2. Please send me 4*4*4 led cube code. iam requesting to you. Ardino nano

  4. in the Code is a error. it lights a4 but first it must lights a5. i think its before the random flicker. But I didn't find the error.

  5. no code shown ,please tell the code

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Hi, If I am using dotted veroboard would it make a difference ? could you please explain the connection in it, its my first time using it

  8. Replies
    1. The link to the code is above... "Download Arduino code"

  9. Prb A3 was not declared in this scope, help me

    1. Hi "Unknown",
      I think you'll find this error message is saying that you're using a variable called Prb A3. The scope is the portion of code in which the variable would be declared, it could be the whole program (global) or just a function.
      - Did you use the code linked above just as you downloaded it?
      - Does the error message have line number?
      - Are you trying to declare Prb as A3?

  10. Bro i am not able to open the nano code

  11. Thank you so much, my project is completed outstanding results I got but I have messy cables but that's ok😎🤩👍👍👌👌

  12. 5mm or 3mm leds? Does in not matter?


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